czech deutch

Basic information about the company

The firm Temar was founded in 1996 by Petr Krivanek and by the two firms Tepka and Martel GmbH, with the purpose of manufacturing transformers. In 2002, Petr Krivanek became the sole proprietor of the firm.
The main focus of firm is the production small transformers and winding components for electronics according the specific needs and requests of the customer. Our production is primarily based on assemblage from purchasable parts.

In the course of time, the company has become progressively equipped with new machines and modern technology. At first, the firm dealt mainly with large-quantity production of two types of transformers, but in the year 1998 began moving into small-quantity production as well. Now we produce more than 300 types yearly in quantities from just a few to several thousand each month. With the increasing number of customers, thanks to our solid base of experienced personnel, we are up to the task with these rising demands in handling production. Our workers understand the importance of providing quality services and products, and of customer satisfaction in support of the long-term development of the company.

From the year 2003, the main strategy for reaching this goal has been the building up and further development of control systems in accordance with standard norms (ISO series 9000) in quality management.

The clear strategic intention of the leadership of the firm is to provide customers only with products of high-quality parameters, which will find use not only in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, but also in a number of other states of the European Union.

Company view on Krcska 25, Prague 4, Czech Republic.

Views of the firm's interior

Proposal of coils on computer and programming automats

Completing products and checking parameters